Hot Cars Brazil X

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47800 Km 1996 VW/Kombi


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About the Hot Cars Brazil

The best cars, with the best conditions

Diego Vieira do Amaral, born in Curitiba / PR – Brazil on 09/22/1976.
Since I was very young, when my father stopped his car at a red light, he told me that I saw a car just like my grandfather's or father's car pass in front of us, at a green light, and I recognized it by saying: "car Grandpa”, or “Dad car”. I've had several strollers since I was little. Over time always involved with cars; buying, selling, tidying, taking care of, as a hobby. I've worked professionally selling cars for quite some time as well. Many times friends asked me for help to buy and sell their cars, or technical opinion on one detail or another. I've been a vintage car owner since 2015, and I've attended several meetups and meetings. I have several friends from the car business. I've always liked classic and vintage cars.


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